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love :: kyle robert wilhem

January 19

the man. the myth. the legend.

my great friend, kyle, just posted his new website, full of his most recent works and a few other simple details.  i’ve known him since we were wee lads in overalls + converse on the lower playground of park school elementary.  heads up, his talent will stop you in your tracks.

the mustache was soooo 2008, he’s moved onto the full on fisherman beard.  it was my birthday yesterday and kyle brought down + assembled this piece for me in my room, it takes up my whole waLL! no joke.  thanks friend.

One Comment leave one →
  1. MOM permalink
    January 21 13:46

    oh my Kyle is amazing and that he has kinda a russian undertone Lenin and all.
    luv you and to think that Cal Poly would not let him in to the art department at first

    where is he going to go to study more.

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